Paige Vidrine

  • SWLA YOGA FEST 2024: Behind the Scenes

    It’s happening and I cannot wait to see everyone on March 23, 2024 in Lake Charles, La at Drew Park from 10am-5pm. The sponsors and partners are excited to do this for the city. I am so pumped up. It feels exactly like what a real tribe and community gets to feel like. No one…

  • Patience is a …..

    “Be patient.”, people say. I hate that advice. What they really should say is, “Listen, you’re going to be wishing you were in better circumstances or that things would be easier, but they don’t get easier. You have to learn how to breathe through all of this because growth, expansion and success are all about…

  • Hello From The Other Side

    I have been writing for DAYZZZZ! It’s interesting that I am out here, in Ocean Springs, secluded. If I wasn’t I wouldn’t have the time or the focus to go into the page the way that I am. As I get lost in writing, I forget to eat. I have to set alarms for school…

  • A Mother’s Love

    Gabe came running into the kitchen last night as I sat on the floor over my computer, writing my book. He closed the refrigerator and turned towards me, standing with his hands on both of his hips like superman and said, “Mom! You really are the best mom! Thank you for everything you do for…

  • February Ramblings

    Personality is an interesting concept. On a molecular level, we are all basically the same. Aside from our physical appearance, it’s our personalities that differentiate us the most. What is personality? Last night I witnessed my daughter’s personality at its height. She got dressed up and performed for us, just like she used to when…

  • SWLA YOGA FEST 2024: Updates

    It’s happening! This year’s Festival is going to be the biggest one yet and I am so excited! If you’re looking for a day of retreat, reset and relaxation, this is going to be it. All of my favorites in the healing arts community of Lake Charles are joining forces to bring the collective to…

  • Behind the Scenes of YOGA FEST 2024: March 23, 2024 10am-5pm

    “How are you feeling?”, my neighbor asked me midday today. “Crappy.”, I told her. I have a cold and at the perfect time. I am full swing into YOGA FEST 2024 MODE! “I’ll pick up the kids.”, she said without my request. Thank GOD! When I get focused on something, I hyper fixate and it’s…

  • You Reap What You Sow: A Spirit Journey

    I had a dream, last night and the night before, that me and my ex fiancé were best friends again. For those of you who don’t know, that relationship was very toxic. It traumatizing for me and my children in a lot of ways. For years, I have held onto resentment no matter how many…

  • Evolution and Expansion: The Soul Journey

    It was 2018 and I had just gotten word that a building on Ryan Street in Lake Charles, La had become available. I jumped at the chance to rent the space and turn it into a Buffis Peauxboys location. I had to expand from my HWY 14 location for a few reasons. One is that…

  • Full Moon January 2024

    I was cuddled up in the twin bed across from Sean’s bed when he walked into the room we shared in Durango. I was writing to you quietly. Ten minutes later I put my phone on the night stand and it shocked my friend. “You’re awake?”, he asked. “Yes. I was writing.”, I responded. Early…